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of Caerphilly Miners’ Centre

If you would like to play an active role in how the centre is run, why not become a Core Member? Have your say on matters affecting the Miners for just £10!

Find out about the many ways you can support us!


Support Us

At Caerphilly Miners


Become a Volunteer!

Join us as a volunteer and have fun making a difference in your community while gaining valuable skills, training, and

new friendships!


Find out about the many ways you can support us!

Meet our Team!

A dedicated and passionate team committed to delivering exceptional services and supporting the community in everything we do.

Our trustees are the guiding force behind our vision, ensuring the miners stays true to our mission and continues to grow and thrive.

If you're interested in joining our team, check out:


You do not have to become a Member or a Friend of Miners’ Centre to contribute. The opportunity always exists to donate. Any such donations can be used to support a specific initiative or to support any of our other activities.

Donations can be made by standing order, bank transfer, via paypal or by cash and cheque.

If donating via standing order or bank transfer please add ‘Don’ + ‘your name’ in the reference field.

If a donation is required to support a specific purpose or activity please supply details either by e-mail to or by contacting the Miners’ Centre.

Bank Details

Standing orders or bank transfers can be made payable to:

Account Name: CMCC General Account

Account Number: 18125060

Sort Code: 30-98-90

Transaction Reference: Please see the ‘Membership’, ‘Friend’ or ‘Donation’ sections above



Amazon Wishlist

We welcome any donations from our Amazon Wishlist or good quality second-hand items that are similar to those on the list.

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