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Educational Partnerships

At Caerphilly Miners Centre, we value our partnership link with the primary schools within the cluster that attend our school ambassador workshops. We aim to educate the pupils on the history and heritage of the building and what we are doing today to support our community. We will provide opportunities for the pupils to learn new skills and educate them on ways that we can look after our environment and improve overall wellbeing for all ages.


In order for us to hold free community events across the year, we rely on grants, donations and fundraising efforts. If your school setting is looking to support a local charity by ither holding a non-school uniform day, making and selling items at a school fayre or a bake sale at your setting, please get in touch with us . We would love to hear and support any efforts raised. Fundraising events and activities are a powerful way to support their emotional development of young people's understanding of empathy, enhance their social skills. A big thanks to St Helen's Primary School for holding a non school uniform day. They raised £120.00 for the centre. 

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